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Medical Malpractice Lawyer North Carolina

Broken syringe needle

Fighting for Patient Rights

We all trust our doctors and surgeons to make the right decisions, whether it’s in the emergency room, during surgery or at our family physician’s office.

But sometimes they make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes could have been prevented, and sometimes they’re the result of medical negligence.

Have you or a family member been harmed by a medical mistake that resulted in a catastrophic personal injury, wrongful death, paralysis or other problems? It may have been medical malpractice. You could be entitled to compensation.

Doctors and other health care providers face major time and financial pressures. Sometimes they fail to do what they should. Sometimes they make mistakes, such as misdiagnosis of a condition or medication errors.

As a result, you and your family could face terrible medical and financial consequences.

Your quality of life can be permanently reduced. You might need to take time off to care for a loved one. You might miss work while being treated for conditions caused by medical negligence or failure to diagnose. You could face higher medical bills.

Worst of all, a family member might lose their life or someone could be permanently injured.

Birth injuries can lead to a lifetime of medical problems. Retained foreign bodies — sponges, surgical tools or other items left inside a patient due to surgical mistakes — may require new surgery to remove. Off-label uses of drugs can lead to dangerous side effects.

Anesthesia malpractice can happen before, during or after surgery and can lead to serious medical problems, including brain injury.

Hospital negligence — including preventable mistakes, such as patient falls leading to head injury or traumatic brain injury (TBI) — is a serious risk.

From the OB/GYN’s office to urgent care clinics to the ER, our health care system still suffers from too many preventable mistakes. While doctors and hospitals are insured against these mistakes, patients are not.

And no insurance can reverse the effects of medical mistakes. A skilled lawyer can help.

Medical malpractice attorneys prepared for complex cases

Medical malpractice cases can be complicated. They frequently require the lawyers involved to understand the details of medical conditions and surgical procedures, and be able to pin-point how malpractice occurred.

Ward and Smith’s personal injury lawyers are among the best equipped in North Carolina for these complex cases. Our attorneys have handled numerous medical malpractice cases across North Carolina, including patients harmed in places ranging from the state’s best academic medical centers to local doctors’ offices.

Our lawyers take a team approach to every case. That means a knowledgeable attorney is ready to provide advice, advocate for you and your family, and drive your case forward. Your attorney is backed by a support team of licensed paralegals, certified litigation technology specialists and others.

Because Ward and Smith is a large multi-disciplinary law firm, our personal injury lawyers can also call on attorneys who can help you with health insurance disputes, estate issues and the like.

Our lawyers have the financial resources to fight lengthy, complex cases from the initial investigation through jury trial. If you’re presented with a potential settlement, our attorneys will review it closely and help you negotiate the best possible outcome — whether that’s accepting the settlement or going to court to fight for the full compensation you’re entitled to.

Medical negligence can throw your life and your family’s lives into chaos. Sometimes, tragically, malpractice leads to a loved one’s death.

Don’t face this complicated, stressful situation alone. An experienced attorney can help you understand your options and stand up for you and your family.

Medical/Legal Malpractice: Representative Experience

Past results are no guarantee of future results. The summaries are not intended to indicate or guarantee that any of the same or similar results can be achieved in future matters; the outcome of a matter depends upon a number of factors. These summaries are intended only to provide general information about the experience of our attorneys. Summaries are drawn from 1992 through the present.

$5 Million Jury Verdict Awarded for Improper Administration of Medication with Resulting Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. 

After receiving an IV medication infusion in his hand, a patient experienced burning pain and swelling. It was determined that the medication had been improperly infused, missing the vein.

Medical Malpractice Lawyer North Carolina

$500,000 Settlement: Medical Malpractice (Cancer Misdiagnosis)

Medical Malpractice Lawyer North Carolina

$1.35 Million Settlement: Medical Malpractice (Federal Tort Claim Act Lawsuit Involving Failure to Timely Diagnose Breast Cancer)

Medical Malpractice Lawyer North Carolina

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