IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: As of May 31, 2024, we no longer accept new Camp Lejeune Water Contamination cases. Read More

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Ward and Smith: Personal Injury & Wrongful Death

Perhaps you or a family member were seriously injured. Perhaps a loved one lost his or her life. It’s hard to know what to do and where to get help. We know, because we’ve been there with more than a thousand clients, dealing with everything from auto accidents to nursing home deaths.

When you’re facing a catastrophic personal injury or the loss of a loved one, you have the right to fierce, knowledgeable advocates who will listen to you, work to find the truth, and seek justice for you and your family. You have the right to allies who understand what you’re going through and can help.

Ward and Smith’s personal injury attorneys have been representing victims and victims’ families in cases involving traumatic brain injury (TBI), paralysis, wrongful death, and other injuries for decades.

We believe victims and their families are entitled to the full compensation they’re owed under our legal system. We’ve pursued that belief all the way to jury trials more than 150 times, winning favorable decisions for clients. We’ll pursue it for you, too.

The results? Medical bills paid. Lost wages restored. Families compensated. Wrongs made right. Justice done.

How Ward and Smith Fights for Clients

Our personal injury attorneys are active in every phase of litigation, from the initial investigation and discovery through negotiated settlements and jury trials. Our clients benefit from the team approach we take to every individual case, to achieve the best possible result and make the process as easy as possible for clients.

We’ve represented more than a thousand clients in North Carolina. With the assistance of lawyers in other jurisdictions, we’ve also represented North Carolinians who were injured in other states and even other countries (including Aruba, Tortola, Canada, and Belgium).

We have resources that few other personal injury law firms can match. Those include:

We never lose sight of the victims and families we represent. Our mission is to make sure you’re treated fairly and get the answers, compensation, and the justice you deserve.

Ready to Defend Your Rights

Whether you or a loved one were the victim, you deserve to understand what your options are and what compensation you may be owed under the law. Serious injuries are not only traumatic, but can impose major long-term medical costs, lead to lost wages or disability, and have other hard-to-predict impacts.

Don’t face it alone. The attorneys at Ward and Smith are here to help. Call us at (800) 998-1102.

Get to Know the Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Team

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Ready to get started?
Contact our team today.