Media Mention: Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

An informative article by personal injury attorneys Hannah Daigle and Taylor Rodney Marks has hit three publishing sites.
Their piece, “Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident?” offers guidance on when and why to hire a personal injury attorney in the aftermath of an accident involving you or someone you know.
Navigating a car wreck can be difficult. Our local accident attorneys have extensive experience with North Carolina auto accident laws. Hiring a car accident lawyer to handle your claim also allows you to focus on your or your loved one’s recovery.
At first blush, navigating a car wreck may not seem difficult. However, these cases are complex. A car accident lawyer will help you navigate the intricacies of North Carolina law and will work to maximize your recovery.
Statute of Limitations. In North Carolina, the statute of limitations for car accidents and other personal injury cases typically is three years. In a wrongful death claim, surviving family members must file a claim within two years. A car accident lawyer can ensure you bring your claim at an appropriate time.
You can dive into the full article on JD Supra, The National Law Review, and Mondaq.
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